LOUKI club: foyer - expo
Willem van Weeghel: Kinetic Art - Dynamic Structure 29117
Andreas Mouzakitis: Junk Percussion

Andreas Mouzakitis was born in 1954 in Kerkyra.
Today he lives and works in Athens and his main occupation is music.
At the time when Athens experienced ‘rock situations’ he worked with Nicolas Assimos (1973-75) and joined friends in setting up the ‘Spyridoula band (1977). In 1978 he worked with Pavlos Sidiropoulos in many concerts and in the historical LP "Flou".
In the 1980s he stayed away from record companies, being in favour of a free and authentic artistic creation; during that time he published the poetry collections "Tropopiissi" and "Onirou Odyssia", illustrated with his own ‘paintings’ made of typewritter letters (ASCII). Together with Liana Koutrolikou they formed the LPB band (1989), made independent music productions and composed music for theatre, dance performances and video art.
In the last decade he has been making constructions and sculptures out of reused objects and materials (Mechanicart). At the same time, he is constructing and using experimental musical instruments (Junk Percussion) and he is composing and performing pieces of music written for drums and percussion.
Nikos Panos
Nikos Panos http://www.behance.net/NikosPanos/frame
After completing his studies in painting & graphic design, he started his own Design Studio in 1982 and has worked since as a free-lancer both in Greece and the U.S.A., undertaking projects for versatile clientele.
(Company Logo & Corporate ID Design, Product Design, Commercial and editorial illustration, Cartoons, Characterizing, Comics, Story Board, Shooting Board & Animatics, etc.) for a great number of advertising agencies, publishing houses and TVC production companies.
Battle of Gravia Inn (Paintings for a multimedia installation)
Introduction /Historical background
On May 8, 1821, Odysseus (Ulysses) Androutsos with a group of 120 men, barricaded inside the inn of Gravia, blocked successfully the advance of the 9,000 strong Ottoman Turk troops under Omer Vrioni Pasha.

On May 16,1999, the President of the Republic of Greece Mr. Constantine Stephanopoulos, attended the inauguration of the reconstructed ‘Gravia Inn’ site, situated in the village of Gravia (Prefecture of Fokis, Greece).
The original building, which no longer exists, was situated where the church of St. Athanasios is today.
Since October 9, 2004, the ‘Gravia Inn’ Museum and the fenced perimeter has been developed and operated by the municipal authority as a theme park open to the public.
The Project
The project was part of a five cities development programme, co-financed by the E.E.
Τhe historical frame and the battle, as mentioned above, was the central theme of the image projection/display(narrated in Greek and/or English), while the scenario was based on a drama.
The director, cinematographer Yiannis Skouroyiannis, having initially decided that the aesthetic approach to this project should be the ‘hand made’ story-board style, suggested that I should undertake the visualization of the scenes.
He chose me, not only because he is well acquainted with my work and skills as a visualizer and story-board artist, but also because of my specialisation in historical and military costume.
Each scene is denoted by a different background colour, which suggests to the viewer the ‘’dramatic mood’’ corresponding to the event depicted.
The art-work won the EBGE Award for illustration.
The multimedia installation
The projection starts upon the visitor’s entering the ground floor main room (the ‘stable’).
The multimedia installation it’s self, consists of three projectors, a sound system and a main P/C unit managing the pre-programmed cross-dissolve imaging sequence, sound levels (music, narration voice-over etc.).
Ana Maria Gomez: Digital Collage
Ana Maria Gomez, born in Mexico City,1972. Digital collage combining artist's photos and figures acquired from paintings of classical masters such as Caravaggio, Edouart Manet, Thomas Eakins,ect.
Aka Demik: Computer Art
Under his pseudonym Aka Demik, the artist (born in Athens, 1954) makes through our pages one of his rare attempts to reach the public. Trying to keep himself - as he says - out of the intrigues and the non-constructive criticism of the Athenian "Culture Elite" as well as to keep them away from his way of living, he is working "undercover". We support him.LOUKI club intends to promote unknown and independent artists. We consider ourselves as one of them.